What Sets Pepperjam Affiliate Network Sets Apart From Others

What Sets Pepperjam Affiliate Network Sets Apart From Others

Magda Warner 2022-02-25 04:38:26

In this age, venturing out in to a business (be it a small size enterprise or big), is the new practice round the globe. We all know marketing has always been one of the core elements for a business, but times have changed and conventional practices too, ditching the old school way. Ever since the technology has paced up at a full throttle speed, it actually seems inevitable to not flow with the current trends. Especially pandemic hitting the world, business and brands have drastically headed towards the digital transformation, thus venturing in  practices such as business arrangement, retail and customer interaction and experience, alongside unique sales outlets and also cutting on the other store expenses as well.

In today`s saturated world, Pepperjam amplifies the novel marketing needs in real-time. Having a history of 20 years of exceptional marketing maneuvers for some of the principal businesses, Pepperjam is taking over the affiliate marketing like anything. From subscriptions brands, direct to consumer brands, retail to global giants, Pepperjam has carried forward businesses through their cloud based platform Ascend. It`s a cohesive affiliate marketing network, fueled by solution-provision for the marketers, advertisers, publishers and brands alike. With a keen goal to discover new allies, form cohesion along the journey is a crucial task, aptly done through sharply observing analytics, shaping new optimization strategies, brand security, payment direction, swindle inhibition along with an API that incorporates well into attribution system.  

Leaving the industry trail behind, Pepperjam`s Ascend is pacing towards crafting functioning possibilities with data-statistics, for a long term, trust worthy and transparent, and profit-return generating alliances, while buoyed by offering a broad service range, including in-house support.  Ascend is the platform that assures, publishers and marketers get the best out of their partnership in return of investment, while putting up the effective synergy.

Pepperjam Ascend follows a path, spanning from stages of automated search of partners to growth tracking, to payment flexibility, to brand protection and this is what sets them apart from the rest.

Finding Apt Partner

Finding automated appropriate partners, marketers and advertisers that effectively market businesses and brands and reach the correct audience is crucial in this competitive time, Pepperjam`s Ascend does all that and the ever so focused, operational optimization is the core of their competencies.


They tactfully acquire transparency into your data with all the safeguard to create and tailor reporting controlling panel assimilations into you­­­r record. This delivers all the necessary analytics thus, taking actions based on the information and data to acquire clear idea for marketers regarding how to, where to and when to get the potential customers, saving clients from hassle and the acquisition cost otherwise.


In a customer controlled purchase and competitive scenario here comes the crucial third step where pepperjam comes in and takes control of appropriately.  Keeping partners as a significant priority, their Pay option rewards their partners for their efforts and role in the purchase. It gives the credible prominence to form lasting trust to make the most of the opportunities such as ads. Pepperjam is all about being clear and playing fair.

Protection/Brand Safety

When partnering brands with marketers it is essential to safeguard the brand`s data information and insights, keeping it as secure as possible and strictly observing the policies and terms. Pepperjam is one of the successful leading affiliate marketing networks, which adheres with the brand privacy and security the most, as even today almost billions of dollars are involved in cases of ad fraudulent. With pepperjam`s essential safety measures the brand`s digital and data content is secure through Protect, observing compliance through technology.  

Optimization Offerings

Every brand needs optimized implementation and why?  Because optimization is the game changer. Pepperjam facilitates clients by offering a range of optimization tools. From partner administration, commissioning styles, attribution procurement, campaigns, communication and brand management/supervision.

Partner Recruitment: An optimized search is necessary to find apt partners for successful collaborations. So an automated optimized search has the upside of recruitment of the suitable partners to grow the brand reach to the suitable market.

Commission: This enables to build valuable commission for the partners` contribution in conversion of sales, depending on types of devices, customers, value of order etc.

Attribution: The consignment of value to partners depending on the time, usage of code, and place in click stream helps the partners against all the effort.

Campaign: Enabling partners with inventive resources such as text, product codes and banners, during the campaign, thus helping in sales conversion.

Communication: Stay updated with your partners through platform`s email and newsletter used to communicate with primary contacts as well as secondary along the journey.

Brand Management:  Brand security and uprightness is kept intact through search, content observance, visibility, transparency and code.
